Friday, May 6

The little boy who cried "varicella"

Okay, so Aesop didn't write the original cautionary tale that way, but the same conclusions can be drawn.

For the third time, Ted has been kept back from nursery with suspected chicken pox - this time he did have a good spread of spots (mostly on his arms and legs, some on his face) - but once again it appears as though it was a false alarm. I'm not sure if Ted can actually conjure up spots at will, but if his desired outcome is to get his grandparents to come and visit, then he's got a pretty high success rate so far.

We're not sure what the cause of the spots is on this occasion, so he's still not going to be going back to nursery until they've all cleared up, but the symptoms (spots aside) are a runny nose and an incredibly grumpy little boy who expresses his displeasure if everything doesn't go exactly as he wants them to... Wait... I know that that last part sounds relatively normal for a toddler, but it's been much more noticeable.


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