Tuesday, July 19

Ice cream a go-go

Seems our Ted has finally got the hang of ice cream cones.

Before17:00:01 - Before. Note the subject's clean face.

During 17:05:07 - During. Note the obvious "spotting" around the face from the subject's tentative licking of the cone. Further examination will also reveal the ice cream stains on the left chest area of the cardigan.

After17:25:56 - Pretty much after. Only the cone remaining. And so ends our first successful encounter (of the third kind) with an ice cream.

Typically enough, of course, it was on the coolest day of the last two weeks or so (not to mention the fantastic weather we had in Toronto where he also completely failed to get the hang of a cone).

Now all we have to work on is this "sharing" malarkey.


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