Sunday, April 24

Early birthday - wahaay!

Just thought you'd all like to see my new (early) birthday present - thanks, Grandma and Grandad (House).

As you can see, it is very smart - and Mummy says that it will grow with me, so it should see a good number of years service.

I've not quite got the hang of pedalling yet, but I can get my feet onto the pedals when I'm being pushed around, so I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon.

Monday, April 18


Yesterday was apparently not a good day to be a Ted.

Our poor little boy woke us at 0830 after a rather cough-ridden night and came and sat with us on the bed as normal, but wasn't really interested in his milk.

After breakfast, at around 1030, he started asking for sleep. "Oh right, that's likely" we said to ourselves, but he persisted so we took him upstairs and went through the sleep routine. Sure enough he settled down and slept through to 1330.

He seemed much perkier when we woke him for some lunch and we managed to play a little in the garden (and demolish the budleia, by the way) but then wasn't interested in tea - he just wanted to sleep again (he said).

So we took him upstairs and got him ready for bed. And he went down fine, waking at around 1900 very unhappy. Nikki went in to see him and he looked up pitifully with flushed face and just said "cuddle". Poor fellow was panting and very flushed - but the traditional dose of paracetamol seemed to help, as did the fuss we made of hime while Nikki examined him (he really did seem unwell).

To finish on a happy note - today he came back from nursery where he had apparently been "full of beans" all day (and had even managed seconds of nursery tea) and had a lovely splashy bath time. *phew*.

Saturday, April 9

Covered for all contingencies

Mummy managed to find me some super overalls the other day - and I finally managed to get a chance to try them on today.

Now I can help Daddy in the garden whatever he's up to!

Thursday, April 7

The even-lesser-spotted Tedster

Just a quick update to say that Ted's three days "potential incubation" have passed spotlessly and so today Ted was back into his usual routine with his usual aplomb.

*sigh* My hero!

Tuesday, April 5

The lesser-spotted Tedster

Had a lovely day at home today, having been brought home early from nursery yesterday - apparently it has something to do with the small spots that have been popping up over me.

Daddy took me to the doctor's this morning and the lady there said that it may've been "chicken-pox" but if so it was rather unusual... but to be on the safe side I mustn't go to nursery before Thursday to give the rash a chance to develop (not sure I liked the sound of that).

And then, when I woke up after my nap today, Grandma and Granddad House were here - how cool is that? Apparently they'll be babysitting me for the next couple of days. Wahaay!

Sunday, April 3


Just to say thanks, Uncle Pete, for the smart truck...

It's cool!